Business of Games: Trending game review, Tile Family: Match Puzzle game
The new entrant on top 100 grossing game, the core-game is interesting. #218
Hey Friends, Greetings from Bangalore 💗
Trending game review: Tile Family: Match Puzzle game, It’s a new entrant on the Top 100 grossing game 🏆
The game has fake ad-styled mini-game modes 🤔
The gameplay is hybrid: Mahjong + solitaire gameplay with Royal Match decor as meta.
The core gameplay is Mahjong + solitaire; the developer has designed the gameplay around a storyboard - where you're decorating the home/and in a way helping the characters with certain props and their utility in the environment.
The game's storyboard objectives remind me of HOG games too.
There are mini-games in it, which mimic the fake ad-style mini-games.
The game is meant for a female audience 👧🏾
The FTUE of the game is presented as story-driven, setting a strong narrative foundation right from the start. This approach not only meets but exceeds expectations set by the game's store page creatives and UA creatives. Doesn't it make a fascinating case study for how to hook players from the get-go with creatives?
Game Performance Stats:
Downloads last 30d = 1,921,719, Geo split:
US 28% (527,674)
RU 15%
MX 7%
JP 5%
FR, BR, DE 4% each
UKr, IT, UK 3% each
Rev last 30d = $2,506,881 (USD), Geo split:
US: 77% ($1,917,273)
UK: 5%
JP 4%
CA, DE 3% each
FR, Swiz, IT, SK 1% each
Cumulative RpD (over lifetime):
US $1.94
OZ $1.69
CA $1.01
UK $0.99
JP $0.96
DE $0.34
NEther $0.28
SK $0.24
IT $0.12
Saudi $0.09
SP $0.07
Chile $0.06
Sharing my gameplay reel:
With Love, Cartic P
/ @iCartic